View Full Version : Spybot won't recognize ADMINISTRATOR rights

2009-08-06, 05:32
Help! I can't fully immunize because Spybot won't recognize the fact that I have administrator rights. I double checked, and I do have it. I even created a new user account, gave IT administrator rights, ran the program and tried to immunize under that account - no dice. There was also some gobblydegook about maybe AVG wouldn't let something happen, but I didn't understand that one. I had a stroke a couple of years ago and processing info isn't that simple anymore.

I'm running:
-spybot version
-avg free version 8.5.392
-windows vista home basic w/service pack 1


2009-08-06, 06:12
I'm by no means an expert, or even someone associated with Spybot officially... But have you tried right clicking on the Spybot executable and selecting 'Run as Administrator'? I've heard sometimes that's necessary even as the administrative user. Hope that helps!