View Full Version : Immunization problem with Firefox

2009-09-07, 04:46
I have a problem that started yesterday when I installed a program called Hostsman, for hosts file management and customization. Whenever I run Firefox, all immunization for Firefox is removed. This also happened with SpywareBlaster. I tried uninstalling Hostsman and reverting back the original hosts file but it did not fix it. I even went on to uninstalling/reinstalling Spybot/SpywareBlaster/Firefox but to no avail. Does anyone have a solution? 3.2.71 beta 7 of Hostsman is what I installed if that's any help.

2009-09-07, 05:45
Problem seems to be fixed now. I disabled my anti-virus (AVG, heh) and Firefox didn't lose its immunities when I opened it. What I think the problem was, modifying the hosts file and AVG sees that a no-no and all the immunization is gone when Firefox is opened. This is a first for me in regards to AVG. Had no problems with it and immunization in the past.

2009-09-07, 06:08
Sorry for triple posting but unfortunately the problem has returned. I discovered that a full cleaning of Firefox's history removes the immunization. I tried this with AVG enabled/disabled and it still happens. Looks like I'm back to square one.

2009-09-07, 06:35
Please see:
And also:

In the meantime,if you leave the Site Preferences checkbox unchecked when you Clear Recent History in Firefox,your Firefox immunization should stay in place. :)