View Full Version : Firefox Profile Not Showing Up In Immunization List

2009-09-07, 17:30
So this has been ongoing for some time now but I'm just getting around to trying to fix it. I have done a few searches and was unable to find anyone else having this problem. The only one I found is that it won't immunize Firefox but it does show in the list. My problem is that Firefox doesn't even show up in the list. I have 2 profiles and neither of them are there. I'm not really sure how to track down this problem and would appreciate any help. System spec below:

Windows Vista Home Premium x86
Firefox 3.5.2

This machine has never had FF2 on it, the first version installed was version 3. The profiles are in the default directory (at least I believe they are, that's why Firefox created them). Any thoughts?


2009-09-07, 21:21
I'm having the same problem; made a thread about it a few days ago.

It works just fine on XP on my desktop, but the profile does not appear on my laptop, running Vista (both have S&D 1.6.2 and FF 3.5.2)

2009-09-07, 23:54
It wouldn't by and chance be an HP laptop, would it? My XP laptop at work sees the FF profile. I don't have any reason why it doesn't work on my Vista system.

2009-09-08, 04:31
I have a self-built desktop and a Lenovo Thinkpad laptop.

I'm quite certain it's a Vista problem here.

2009-09-08, 04:40
Alright, just checking. I believe that you are correct, and that it's a Vista issue. Though I could swear the before my last Vista reinstall, it worked. Maybe SP2 or one of the security fixes broke it somewhere along the way. Though I find it hard to believe that we are the only two having the problem. :P

2009-09-18, 22:12
bump, still having this problem :\

2009-09-19, 07:42
Same here.... :/

2009-09-21, 14:33

Have you started your Spybot with a rightclick and choose "Run as admin"?
And then hit the immunization?

Best regards
Team Spybot

2009-09-21, 14:47
UAC is not enabled on my machine, hence everything is run as an admin.

2009-09-23, 17:22
likewise; my UAC is disabled and I am the admin

2009-09-23, 17:29

Guess that's it why it does not work.

Please edit your registry:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe
ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

This link should also help:

Best regards
Team Spybot

2009-09-23, 20:04
I don't want UAC enabled, this is why I disabled it in the first place. None of my dev tools function properly with it enabled and with as much as I tweak and add/remove software, it's a major annoyance.

Are you telling me that I cannot immunize Firefox with UAC disabled?

2009-09-27, 23:56
I will try to enable UAC and see if that fixes the problem, but I'm doubtful.

2009-09-28, 00:27
Yep, as I expected, enabling UAC did not fix the problem. The only thing that changed was that I had to 'Run as Administrator' for the Immunization page to even work. But still, the problem persists.

If you perhaps misunderstood earlier, Sandra, this is the problem we're having.

On my desktop running Windows XP, my Immunization page looks like this:


On my laptop running Windows Vista, however, my Immunization page looks like this:


As you can see, the second lacks a profile for Firefox entirely, and therefore I cannot immunize Firefox on my laptop running Vista.

Both computers are running the same, most updated versions of Firefox and Spybot S&D. Both have the same antivirus program, symantec corporate, and auxiliary anti-spyware software (Malwarebytes Anti-Malware & SpywareBlaster).

2009-09-28, 04:40
I get a similar screen on my Vista machine, though I see my Opera and host file:

As with Lappo, I am also running the latest version of FF (3.5.3 as of this posting). I run Nod32 for my Antivirus and use Outpost for my firewall. I do have MalwareBytes installed but it's the free version and does not run resident. I also run SpywareBlaster. Maybe one of these is causing a conflict?

2009-09-28, 12:05

Have you closed your Firefox browser during the immunization?

Best regards
Team Spybot

2009-09-28, 14:21
Yes, even with Firefox closed it does not appear in the list.

2009-09-28, 20:40
Yes, likewise.

2009-09-29, 12:46

It seems that there were not made any registry keys for your Firefox,
that way it is not being recognized.
I would recommend to make a new install of Firefox.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2009-10-11, 00:48
Reinstalling Firefox did not solve the problem :|

2009-10-16, 22:12
Your theory that the problem is in the registry keys may, in fact, be valid, but reinstalling firefox did not fix it. Perhaps there is a different way I can fix them?

2009-10-23, 02:34
I'm going to be reformatting my hard drive and installing Win7 in the near future, so hopefully that will solve the problem.

2009-10-28, 03:28
yep, problem is gone now after a clean install of Win 7.

I can't say for sure who the culprit was, but Vista is a suspect. Though it easily could've been something else (I did get the laptop from my uni, after all).