View Full Version : Suspicious flash installer, anybody seen this?

2009-09-16, 21:01

Today I have encountered a hack/malware-like thing on my website - transcosmic.com - this flash window just pops up on every page after (but not always) a what seems to be legit IE error notification - "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site... Operation aborted."

The flash window looks like this:

http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/8625/123dd.th.png (http://img29.imageshack.us/i/123dd.png/)

It appears and immediately opens a download window, downloading a file named install-flash-player.exe from a website called install-adobe-flash.com, it happens in IE and Safari, but never in FF - it's really weird, I don't think it's a hack since my wp-admin is fine without this download appearing and without any hacking evidence there.

Any suggestions? Anybody seen this before? I tried googling these file and domain, but almost nothing came up...

Thank you in advance for any info!

2009-09-16, 22:39
Hello popokolok,

This forum is to help users with infected personal computers and the FAQ is here: "BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance) (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

Best regards. :)

2009-09-16, 22:53
Hello popokolok,

This forum is to help users with infected personal computers and the FAQ is here: "BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance) (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

Best regards. :)

I realize that, however if somebody knows something about this, it wouldn't do any harm sharing the information... Thanks in advance.

2009-09-16, 22:58
Hi there,

I realize that, however if somebody knows something about this, it wouldn't do any harm sharing the information...
Sorry but the FAQ contains all the information required in order to start a topic and receive assistance from volunteer analysts. :)

This forum is not for speculating and members do not have the permissions required in order to post suggestions to other members threads.

Best regards.