View Full Version : Any way to store restuls in a log ?

2009-10-02, 10:33

What I want to do is to automate the cleaning, in background (with the switches /taskbarhide /autoupdate /autocheck /autofix /autoimmunize /autoclose, it works perfectly), but then I don't know if spybot deletes something or not, and if yes what files he deletes.

So I was wondering if there is a way to store the results of the spybot clean in a file ?

e.g of report file :

Spybot report

FOUND : <spyware1>
ACTION : deleted

FOUND : <spyware2>
ACTION : deleted

FOUND : <spyware3>
ACTION : deleted


Thank you for you're answer !

2009-10-06, 15:30
I think there's unfortunately no way, but I ask it again ?

2009-10-08, 00:40
I am uncertain if Spybot stores logs when the user executes Spybot manually via cmd (like auto this and that).

You will find Spybot's scan logs in the Application folder. It'll be in text files: Checks.YYMMDD-####.

Do you know how to access the Application Folder?

2009-10-08, 14:09
yes yes yes, it's exactly what I was looking for !!

Thank you very much :cowboy:

P.S : I know I ask a lot, but is there a way to give a customized name to the file ?
For example by donig like that in (shell command) :

SpybotSD.exe /taskbarhide /autocheck /autofix /autoimmunize /onlyspyware /autoclose >> customized_name_of_the_log.txt

If it's not possible, I'll look for another solution for the script I'm writing ;)

2009-10-09, 03:35
I am uncertain if you can customize the logs via your method. Because PepiMK (Patrick Kolla) has not specified that kind of function.

You can do it and give it a shot and see if it works. If not, then there is no such function. I mean like if your tactic does not work in the command.

If you should easily distinguish which is which, assuming it's Checks.YYMMDD. Should be easy enough to remember.

2009-10-09, 11:42
Actually, I tried my method before ask you another one, and it doesn't work.

BUT i've found a solution for my problem :eek:

For those interested, what I needed in my script was to get the last log file, and copy it on a server. That's why I wanted to give a name that I (and the script) know.

To by-pass this problem, I've make a little .bat script which selects the most recent txt file, and copies it in c:\temp\test.txt.

for /f "tokens=4* delims= " %%i in ('dir /o:d "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs\*.txt" ^| findstr /i /c:".txt"') do set VrFchRcnt=%%i %%j
echo %VrFchRcnt%
echo "creation of the txt file" > c:\temp\test.txt
xcopy "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs\"%VrFchRcnt% c:\temp\test.txt /Y

In this way, during my script I can copy this file which will always be the one that I want.

Thanks for the help ;)