View Full Version : 2 problems found after scan

2006-06-18, 04:23
After running SPybot S&D, it found 2 problems.
The first is "Windows Security Center.AntiVirus Disable Notify" with a "+" under it which says "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SecurityCenter\AntiVirusDisableNotify!=dword:0"

The second problem found is the same except it says "Firewall Disable Notify" in the top line and expanding the "+" sign says the same as the first but the words "FirewallDisableNotify!=dword:0" instead of AntivirusDisableNotify.

What do I do next???????

I clicked on the little blue/green cube icon on the right side of the page next to each of those and the Registry Editor opened up.

If I click on the "Fix Selected Problems" on the top of the page, a warning comes up, "You are about to remove these entries. Are you sure you want to continue. YES or NO."

Any suggestions???

This all started with downloading Norton Antivirus 2006 last night. Since then, I cannot open some secure web pages, such as my Hotmail email. Also, the main page of Ebay does not show properly--no "sign in" box to click. Getting the runaround from Norton!!! I can check those sites on other computers with no problem. I have FINALLY deleted Norton AntiVirus 2006 from my computer. No help.

md usa spybot fan
2006-06-18, 06:25
If you go into Start > Control Panel > Security Center > Resources (on the left hand side of the window – expand if necessary) > click "Change the way Security Center alerts me". This brings up an "Alert Setting" window.

There are three possible alerts:
Alert me if my computer might be at risk because of my firewall settings
Automatic Updates
Alert me if my computer might be at risk because of my Automatic Updates settings
Virus Protection
Alert me if my computer might be at risk because of my virus protection software settings
I believe that you will find that the first and third items are unchecked. That is what is causing the Spybot detections.

Norton Internet Security turns off these alerts within the Windows Security Center.

You can check the items again in Windows Security Center if you are not going to use Norton.

If you decide to use Norton again, to stop these detections from reappearing during Spybot scans, go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode (answer yes to the warning message if necessary) > Settings > Ignore products. Click on the Security.sbi tab. Expand the width of the Product column so that you can see the entire text of the entries by grabbing the divider between the Product and Details columns and sliding it to the right. Check the following entries:
Windows Security Center.AntiVirusDisableNotify
Windows Security Center.FirewallDisableNotify

I'm sorry but I can't help you with the other problems Norton appears to have caused.

2006-10-01, 13:45
I had exactly the same two problems and I found and used this solution. Thank you for that.
What I don't understand is why I should have these notifications today and not earliers, since I have been using Spybot S&D and Norton for years.