View Full Version : virtumonde.sdn

2009-10-04, 23:28
I have been reading the forums regarding the virtumonde.sdn. I understand this was a false positive prior to the 1.6.2 version. When I open Spybot search and destroy program, it lists that I have 1.6.2 and I have all updates as of 10-4-09. When I run a scan I am still getting the virtumonde.sdn trojan stating that it is on my system. I choose to fix it and then run the scan again and it shows up again. I've done this a couple of times. Each time the .dll file is different. Is there a way to get rid of it? I also ran the fix vundofix and that didn't take care of the problem either. Any suggestions?

My actual problem is that I keep getting a popup from the windows installer stating that I do not have flash player. I choose to install the flash player and choose the option to always install from adobe. It seems to install it. Then a couple of hours later or when I reboot I get it again and the option to always install has changed to prompt. I thought it was because of the virtumonde but it is not.
Any help would be appreciated.

2009-10-05, 01:36
Could you run another scan,then when it's done,please rightclick somewhere in the results window and select Copy results to clipboard,then paste it here?