View Full Version : Spyware S&D scan of wmv files cannot open

2009-10-18, 19:13
Since installing v 16.2, All of the video files with the extension .WMV will not open using the double click left button. Instead, a message window appears from Spybot S & D to check the file for Malware and Heuristic. Following a scan for each, it indicates "nothing found", the "scan finished" and Close, after which the file still will not open but repeats the same in a new window.

What to do to correct?:confused:

2009-10-18, 20:41
To fix this problem, run your media player which was associated (before installing Spybot) with .WMV, go to media player settings and look for associations and check for WMV extension.

For Windows Media Player:
Go to Tools > Options... > File Types. Tick a checkbox named "Windows Media Video file (wmv)", Apply and close Options.

For Winamp:
Go to Preferences (Ctrl+P) > General Preferences > File Types. Select WMV and close preferences.

For Media Player Classic:
Go to View > Options (O) > Player > Formats. Tick the checkbox named "Windows Media file", Apply and close Options.

In case your media player doesn't have a association list (or you can't find it), right click on any .WMV file > Open With > Choose Program....
Select your Media Player and tick the checkbox named "Always use selected program to open this kind of file".

2009-10-19, 12:04

To disable the single files scan please open the registry editor by:
press windowskey + r then enter "regedit" (without quotation marks)
click on "start" , then "run" and enter "regedit" (without quotation marks)

and then browse to the following path.

Please delete the following registry keys:


For more information, please take a look into our forums (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=30678).

Best regards
Team Spybot