View Full Version : Spybot Installation & Some Q's

2009-10-26, 01:49
Hi Spybot team,

Well, I used Spybot a long time ago on my old desktop with XP SP2 ... when Spybot was at, I think, 1.3 or something.

Anyway, at a Friend's suggestion ... he told me that I should look at running "Spybot S&D Immunization" Portion and even Scan once in a while since the Newer On-Demand Scanners might not find some of the Older Viruses ... and miss them in their Definitions.

So FYI, I am currently running Vista Home Prem., SP1, 64-Bit on my laptop. I also have the following A/V softwares installed ...

- Windows Standard Defender that comes with Microsoft Vista Home Premium, SP1, 64-Bit
- Comodo Firewall portion of the Comodo CIS (Free version) with Defense + and settings at Safe Level (which is 1 level lower than MAX protection)
- Avira Antivirus Free (Active)
- WinPatrol Free (Active)
- SpywareBlaster 4.2 (Active)
- Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.41 (as on Demand Scanner)
- SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition 4.29.1004 (as on Demand Scanner)

Now I just installed Spybot S&D and it downloaded the latest definition ... I opted for Normal Full Install with the Exception not installing the "Tea-Timer" ... since most folks recommend NOT to ...

So now I have the following Questions since I did multiple searches in this Forum and other Sites and I could not find my answers ...

During Installation ... Spybot asked me if I want to "Integrate" it with my Security Center Defense? Since I was NOT sure ... I said YES!
Q1: Since I want to ONLY use Immunization Feature of Spybot and as On-Demand Scanner ... should I have said NO to this Q?

During Installation ... Spybot asked me if I want to install "SDHelper"? Since I was NOT sure ... I said YES!
Q2: Will SDHelper BLOCK the Normal Operation of my Download Manager & Grabber? And will SDHelper conflict with any of my above Active Antivirus and Firewall?

Q3: Why am I getting an ALERT saying that "If I Disable Ad something" then I will not be able to use the "Host Program"? And, does Spybot S&D have some kind of Adware!?!?

Q4: Does Spybot S&D IMMUNIZE come on automatically when I start my laptop ... or I have Activate it daily when I turn on my laptop?

Q5: How come Spybot S&D did NOT offer to make a "Restore Point"?
I guess this could possibly be a "Feature Request" for Spybot Team ... so if possible they can make this an Option on next install ... for people that forget to make a Restore Point Automatically before trying a New Software.

Q6: Is it "Normal" for Spybot S&D to be so Memory and CPU Intensive when running a Scan?
This is NOT a complaint ... just a Question ... since I am NOT sure how this program supposed to run ... since it has been awhile for me using it.

THANKS in advance!

G! :)

2009-10-26, 08:30
Q1: It doesn't matter what you should choose. Spybot has only asked for Security Center integration (only supported in Vista). You can go to Control Panel and open Security Center and you should see Spybot in Anti-Spyware programs (Note: I'm not accurate because I'm using XP, not Vista).

Q2: SDHelper shouldn't conflict with any anti-spyware, anti-virus, firewall, download manager or grabber. It's an IE add-on.

Q3: That's only a notice. If you have installed some ad-supported program (program which contains adware and/or spyware), it's possible that program won't work without adware. Spybot doesn't have any kind of adware, spyware.

Q4: You'll need to immunize manually. Go to Spybot-S&D > Immunize. It will automatically analyze all installed and supported browsers and hosts when you click on it. After that, you'll only need to click on Immunize. Wait until progress is done. You don't have to immunize everytime. You should immunize at least every time when you have updated Spybot. In case that you're having issues with incomplete immunization, read this thread: Various reasons for incomplete immunization (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=36272)

Q5: To enable Restore Point Creation, go to Spybot-S&D > Settings > Settings. Find checkbox named "Create System Restore point when fixing spyware/usage tracks (WinXP only)." and tick it. You can tick "Create System Restore point when fixing system internals (WinXP only)."
It shouldn't matter if it writes WinXP only.

Q6: Spybot doesn't take so much CPU (about 30-40%) and Memory (44,000k) during Scan. However, most of cpu and memory usage is taken while loading spybot (about 220,000k), but only in short time. It'll return to normal.

Gopher John
2009-10-26, 15:24
Since the question and reply were so concise and compact, perhaps the above two posts in this thread could be made a sticky.