View Full Version : Slow computer and other issues

2009-12-01, 18:07
Approx 1 week ago I got assistance cleaning up my computer due to a possible Malware issue. But since then my computer has been running slow. It seems to be running ok at the current moment, but last night and earlier this morning it was running slow. Here is what i've been experienceing...

1)I will pull up a page and the blue bar in the middle will take soooo long to pull the page up. This is a page I always access on a daily bases.

2) If I have a slow page or am on a page and I click like to scroll down or click on something on the page to pull up my mouse turns to an hour glass and it takes forever to pull the info up. Sometimes, it says "not responding" at the top, sometimes not.

3) Pages shutting down on me or if I shut down one page (clicking on x or using task manager) it will shut down two pages that I have pulled up instead of one of them.

4) I had a problem w/a box popping up last night that said something about the "scripting" of something was taking too long or it was scripting the page and if I wanted to continue w/it then my page might not work or would take too long. What the heck?

Other issues I've had are...upon shutting down windows boxes pop up saying its shutting them down. One that I always see says "Shell Hidden Window" it its trying to shut down. What is this?

Last night I deleted cookies, temp internet files, history, etc. This morning I ran disk clean up, but defrag says I didnt need to do it. Seems to be doing better, but so far I have not ran the same two program that I was running last night.

Another question...I cannot access "System Restore" from my computer. If I choose "start", "all programs", "accessories", "System Tools" then choose System Restore nothing happens. Any ideas?

I also wanted to get a program off my computer called "There". Its a virtual type of site, but I never used it. When I try to remove the program it says "the shortcut cannot be found" it searches for a shortcut. But if I choose "There" to go to the site, it works. I did not see it in "add or remove programs" list.

Another thing. I used to have Printmaster on my computer. My CD player/writer is broken on my computer so I cannot reload it. But Printmaster is still listed in my programs list, but whe I try to access it the message is "Cannot determine configuration". I did not see it listed in the "add or remove programs list".

I must admit my son (3 yrs old) had been on my computer and pulls some funky page up that I have no clue what it is. Ever since my pages look dull and some stuff looks faded. I just notice something is not quite right. That's what I wanted System restore for, to go back before he did this and see if I can get it back to looking like it did.

Oh! Once more thing...I have tons of photo's on my computer and since I dont have a CD writer anymore, what should I do to remove these to not only free up space but protect my photos so if ever god forbid my hard drive crashes! My mom gave me a sony cd writer, but could not find the CD would I be good to find drivers on the web?

Thats it for now. Thank for the help and info you can provide!:confused:

2009-12-01, 18:32
Hello StoutTina,

If you direct your helper to this topic perhaps he can direct you to a tech site to ask such questions. :)


Best regards.

2009-12-01, 19:21
Tashi, Thanks for the help. I thought that my prev assistance had probably been removed by now. I cannot seem to find my posts anyway w/out having an email link.