View Full Version : 100% cpu on svchost.exe caused by global host immunization

Nicholas the Italian
2009-12-02, 16:36
just wanted to notify a problem I experienced once upgraded from Win XP to Win 7 on my (admittedly quite old) notebook.

Every time I connect/disconnect to a network (either by cable or wireless), or enter/exit standby, the cpu jumps to 100% for a while (15-30 seconds, sometimes more).
After some googling and investigation, I found out the cause was the DNS cache Windows service. Moreover, I found that Spybot Windows Global (Hosts) immunization was at stake; undoing that immunization the problem immediately disappeared.
This didn't happen under Win XP.

I don't know if you're aware of the problem, whether it's actually Spybot or Windows fault, or if I'm the only one experiencing the issue. Just thought it was the case of letting you know.
If you need further info I'm here.

Thanks for the good work.

2009-12-03, 01:49
Hi Nicholas the Italian

You might want to take a look at this site: