View Full Version : Spybot Locks up Computer

2009-12-06, 02:23
Spybot 1.62 installs ok but locks up the computer. No mouse or keyboard, have to reset the computer. Every time it starts to load the progress bar get almost finnished then it locks up. Amd 2.00 Ghz 1 gig ram windows xp service pack 3.

2009-12-17, 20:44
In my case I have the following conditions -

1 - Older eTower, Celeron 600, 128mb RAM (refurbishing it)
2 - Install -
a - Win2K Pro+Updates
- Net1.1+updates
- IE6SP1+updates
- DX9+updates
- (nothing unusual or "unofficial")
b - Sun Java
c - Word2000+Updates
d - Acrobat6+updates
e - CCleaner
f - 7-Zip
g - ooDefrag 6
Nothing else is running (Defrag on Manual)

Install Spybot162, uncheck "Update Now", then reboot (insurance). Then start Spybot, no problem. Exit, no problem. From Start Menu, perform Update.

WHAM! Spybot LOCKS while loading... What update is screwing it up? The only Software update in the download is the TeaTimer and I UN-checked it during install. What gives? Surely the Detection items didn't lock it...

Anyone? I would sure like to use it on this (use it regularly on other PC's other op-sys, even slower CPU), but if this is a problem, I guess it's a no-go.

edit - Holy Krap! Finally started up! Seen this elsewhere on the forum with a previous version (10-15min startup). Seems a little odd that without update it starts fine but with updates, dawg-city.

2009-12-17, 21:12
After RegBack, set Options, Immunize, etc, I exited. Kind of slow on exit. Went to install final items using CMD prompt, very slow start so exit and wait (slow still). Task Manager (ctl/alt/del) slow starting and showed SpyBot not yet "shut down" even though taskbar empty. Noticed SERVICES.EXE at 99%, soon after SpyBot "disappeared" (about 10-15 seconds), SERVICES.EXE finally "let go".

Can anyone explain this? Does it have something to do with the Hive Load/Unload? I'm totally baffled...

(also, how does one edit a post after logoff/logon? other forums, eg MSFN, allow this so "wasted posts" don't happen...)