View Full Version : How to Scan Different Drives?

2009-12-07, 03:36

I wish to transfer files from my old computer to my new one via a USB flash drive, but before putting the files on the new computer's hard disk I would like to scan them on the flash drive with Spybot.

Is there any way to do this? I can't seem to find any place in the program to tell Spybot which drives to scan.

Norton has a handy little feature where if you right-click on the drive's name, you get the option to scan it with Norton. NEW FEATURE REQUEST: I'd like to be able to do the same thing with Spybot! :D:

(I should add that although I did have Spybot installed on my old Windows 98 computer, for some reason it could no longer complete a scan -- after the scan ran for several HOURS, it would get to the end or almost to the end, and then I would receive an error message claiming that the program had performed an (unspecified) illegal operation. That's the reason why I would need to perform the Spybot scan off the new computer, and preferably with the files on the flash drive before I put them on the new hard disk.)

Any guidance or (preferably) step-by-step instructions for doing this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


2009-12-07, 12:42

Please have a look at the "Directories" in the "Settings" when you run Spybot - Search & Destroy in "Advanced Mode". There you can add additional harddisks or folders.

You can also use the command line parameter allhives.
Scans all windows installations on your system, even inactive ones.
Example: "C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SpybotSD.exe" /allhives
Please see FAQ30 (http://www.safer-networking.org/en/faq/30.html).

Best regards
Team Spybot

2009-12-07, 16:03
Thanks for the helpful information, Sandra.

I HAD seen the Directories option under Settings, but because it talks about selecting the place where "downloads" are to go, I didn't pay much attention to it. Now I know that it has a broader application.

Danke schön!


2009-12-07, 22:06
Hello again Sandra,

Just wanted to let you know that I tried adding the /allhives command as you suggested. Here's what happened.

The first time I loaded Spybot after making that change, before getting the green loading progress bar I received a small pop-up window named, "Error." The window contained a big red circle with a white X in the middle, but no text or explanation of what the error might be. The program then loaded and I was able to scan my flash drive.

The next time I tried to do this, I got the same red circle with an X, and the green loading progress bar showed up, but the program would not finish loading and the progress bar window started to say that the program was "not responding." It took several minutes to end the process even after I called up the Task Manager.

The third time I tried it, nothing would show up on my desktop -- no error message, no program window. Although Task Manager did reveal that Spybot was running, I was unable to get into it. Had I not gone into Task Manager, I would have thought that nothing at all had happened after I clicked on the Spybot icon.

I then went back into the Properties and deleted the /allhives modifier. This time Spybot loaded normally.

Do you know, and can you explain (or can you find out) what was happening there? Why would it do less and less each time> What does "allhives" refer to? And what is a "hive," anyway?

Thank you!
