View Full Version : internetsettings/Zonemap

2009-12-12, 23:22

Im in process of removing several viruses/trojans, and have had them recurring so tried to edit the registry myself using guides online that tell you wht to look for. I came across a whole list of websites within the registry maybe over 100 that list sex sites, and gambling sites and a whole lot of random sites e.g. at the top is 007guard.com, 008i.com. This was in the registry within internet settings/zonemap, I initilly paniced and thought has my comp been visiting these sites without my knowledge, and I deleted all of them including the folder itself, then I found the list again somewhere else in there and deleted tht, everything works fine on my comp but now scared what ive deleted!!!!! Help please dont say ive done something unfixable or thats going to leave me open to attack! I had spybot immunize the pc earlier which i assume largely means internet explorer settings that get immunized, could they be connected to this and would say downloading spybot and reimmunizing put them back (spybot isnt currently installed but was earlier today) ive deleted the whole domains folder itself! but am hoping this will work? Help!

2009-12-13, 08:25
Those registry keys (domains) which you've removed in Zonemap, they are added by Spybot. This can be fixed. You can install Spybot again (if you don't have it installed right now) and immunize again.

2009-12-13, 10:22
Hello louise123,

In addition to Tom.K's advice. :)

Im in process of removing several viruses/trojans, and have had them recurring so tried to edit the registry myself using guides online that tell you wht to look for.

Not a good idea if one is not proficient with the registry, Windows could become unstable and the computer unbootable. :eek:

Best regards.