View Full Version : Prior Immunization when upgrading to WIN IE8

2009-12-14, 06:32
I was curious to learn if you upgraded from WIN IE7 to WIN IE8, do prior spybot immunizations (previously done to IE7) remain intact or carryover to the newly installed IE8?

A 2nd question is, if AFTER upgrading to IE8, does running an full "undo" of spybot immunization "take away" or remove any new protection attributes that IE8 itself may have incorporated itself as part of the higher security attributes of IE8, or does it just remove previous immunization tweeks made ONLY by spybot.

I thought by "undoing" all previous immunization and then re-running a full immunization may be the way to "re" immunize the newly upgraded IE8 (Should I desire to have spybot immunize IE8). I just hope by undoing prior immunizations, it did not take anything away that IE8 itself may have added to its own security features from IE7.

So far, all I did was UNDO all previous immunizations AFTER upgrading to IE8.

I'll also admit I believe I don't fully understand how the immunize part of spybot fully works to tweek Internet Explorer. I DO know that after immunizing my IE7 with spybot, I started having many lockups and IE crashes. So that's why I felt compelled to UNDO the immunization feature of spybot when I upgraded to IE8. I have since had NO IE8 crashes or lockups. Then again, it could be my IE7 had it's own internal problems not related to spybot immunization. Either way I thought it best to leave IE8 "as is" for now.

I'm new to this software and forum, so if this issue has already been addressed I'd be happy to be guided to the thread where I can see the answer or comments.
