View Full Version : Spybot S&D will not open during windows security alert attack.

2009-12-19, 00:58
hope i am posting this in the right place, not 100% sure.
recently i have had a spyware/malware attack, it started with a windows security alert popup and another similar one asking me to click to solve the problem, i figured this was probably not legit and was about to run a mcafee viruscheck and malwarebytes as it was what i had at the time, before i had time another popup appeared with a bar saying installing...... not sure what as i turned the computer off asap. after this i reboted the computer to try and run the antivirus and i know have some new shortcuts on my desktop to youporn and such like. it also would not let me access the start tab or my computer, i ran msconfig googling each .exe and found one that appeared to be malware, disabled this and it seems to have stopped the popups but the computer still crashes as soon as i do anything strenuous and when i try to open spybot to delete the problem programs i get the hour glass showing it is opening but nothing happens it doesnt open. i have renamed the program as it is recommended here, but no joy. cant seem to find the next step within these forums.
any help on the matter would be much appreciated.
merry christmas :santa:

2009-12-21, 15:06

This (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=50194) link should help.

Best regards
Team Spybot