View Full Version : Internet explorer window closes

2009-12-23, 16:23
I already had downloaded spybot and ran scan, found trojans and fixed problems spybot encountered. System working better but internet explorer window will close by itself on some web pages, specific to any microsoft web sites where i have been looking for help. Also will not let me redownload mcafee. I now ran spybot again with it finding Win32.TDSS.rtk, 4 entries TrojanC and windows security center_disabled. Ive read the posts concerning new threads, is this a forum i can get help in. Do not want to waste anyones time. If so i will follow with logs requested.

2009-12-23, 20:37
To add i was just able to do the online scan thru mcafee and it found this:

Windows\system32\d3acdb.dll threat name generic!bg.big

Thanks BT

2009-12-23, 20:47
Hello btmed57,

Please see this FAQ, "BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance) (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

Then start a new thread and copy paste the HJT log into it.

If HJT won't run please start a new topic anyway, make note of the situation and a volunteer analyst will advise you when available.

Best regards. :)
