View Full Version : BUG: System Internals sometimes incorrectly reports "wrong app path"

2010-01-03, 05:17

It appears that S&D System Internals sometimes can't "see" files that are actually there and misreports them as "wrong app path".

I'm using S&D v1.6.2.46 in Windows 7 x64.

"System Internals" reports "wrong app path" for SnippingTool.exe which is located at "%SystemRoot%\system32\SnippingTool.exe".
When I choose "Fix selected problem" and use S&D's internal browser to browse to the "C:\windows\system32" folder, alas, it appear as if the file is not there. HOWEVER, if I use Explorer to browse the "C:\windows\system32" folder, yes, the file SnippingTool.exe is there, so the file is not actually missing at all!