View Full Version : Virtumonde.sci avast bluescreen

2010-01-07, 09:32
I messed up BIG. I went searching for something I should not have and well I killed my baby. Here is the facts, hopefully I can bring her back to life with out a format and reinstall with your help.

While looking for a certain file, I downloaded a file and my Avast went off. For some reason I let it go and clicked ignore. I know . . . stupid! I figured if It was a real virus I could remove it later.

I spent the day doing my normal thing and was prompted by avast to restart due to updates to the program. I was still busy so I did not. And another day went buy. I decided it was time to clean up and then restart, so I ran my Spybot S&D. It came back with Virtumonde.sci I let it clean the file and ran another scan. It showed up again with a bunch of wierd "out of virtual memory" flags with Virtumonde.sci in the title. At that point Spybot locked up on me so I stopped it and ran again. It said I was infected and needed a boot time scan because files where in Active system memory. so I did.

restart. . .

at windows boot Spybot loaded up and scanned finding it yet again I clicked fix all (some other normal stuff too) when it finished avast tryed to boot time scan and had an error, (I think maybe just update info did not have time to read it "orange box"). then my pc finished the boot. After my programs loaded Four command prompts popped up and disappeared just as fast.

At this point I was at a crawl. I opened task manager and svchost.exe (I think might have been spoolsv) was useing 100% cpu. I killed it and was promted "system error, shut down in . . ."

restart . . .

I unpluged network as it booted the command promp windows poped up again. and it was crawling so I restarted again.

restart . . .

this time it loaded as usual so I went for an avast scan. It prompted me to boot time scan after a few minutes of scanning, so I did.

restart . . . Blue Screen of Death!. . .restart. . .F8! . . . safe mode . . . BSoD!. . .restart. . . Last good config . . . BSoD!

The stop code flashes for less than a second, so I cant see it. I even took out the hard drive and cleaned it on another pc.

I think I could replace the infected file\driver If I knew where it is and its name, But I need advise before I ruin my xp if not already.

Please help. I promise I will take the steps I just read about in this forum to keep me clean and out of your hair.

2010-01-09, 09:29
I went threw my anti virus log and replaced the one driver file that got ate. Unfortunately It did not fix my problem. the page file on one of my hd's was also effected but I dont think that would be causing this to happen. I'm starting to go threw PC withdraws and don't think I'm hold out much longer before I just format and reinstall. Nothing is really lost I save everything I install and other than lots of tweeks over last few years everything will be easy to put back.

I noticed you all get quite a few help me threads and am not upset that I have not gotten a response. At this point I dont even think it was the above virus that got me. but a mix of a few.

the orange box from avast boot was a failed update, why it failed IDK. any suggestions from anyone is welcomed at this point. My a.d.d. will probly kick in here soon anyway and I'll just start over.

Thanks for having this place and the hard work you all put in trying to help the countless noobs.