View Full Version : cant even seem to run scans!

2010-01-15, 01:52
i have started having an issue about 2 weeks ago, a "friend" was using the computer and a popup came up saying the pc was infected. however my normal antivirus program found nothing when i scanned the machine.

i was then put onto this site, but before being able to run and scans to be able to post the logs my machine now will startup, allows me to Login and for a breif time shows me my desktop, but before anythng else happens it logs me out straight back to the login screeen.

please help.

i know i should have posted teh log form the scans on my first post, but i am not sure hoe to even get the machine to run the scans!

thanks in advance!

2010-01-19, 03:44
this issue has now been sorted. the machine was binned. it was old and time for it to retire anyway :)

thanks anyway