View Full Version : PC Unable to Boot to Windows

2010-01-19, 17:40
I would be very great full is someone could help me out.

A work collegues machine got infected with a virus - it comes up with internet security 2010 - and appears to be sending out spam etc. It had an old unupdated symantec corporate edition anti virus on it.

I tried downloading MSE but to no avail. I eventually created a kaspersky rescue disk from another pc - however when i tried to boot it - i found that the dvd rom drive was not selected in the boot drive option in the bios. I tried to change this but it was blued out.

I was however able to log on as safe mode with networking and this seemed to actually allow me to do something on the computer. I was able to use trend micro house call which did a quick scan. It highlighted a number of infections but unfortunately when it rebooted it did not seem to remove them. I tried again this time with a full scan.

I looked around on the net and stumbled across this forum. I stopped trend micro housecall and downloaded combo-fix [which i had used before elsewhere] onto the network drive - housecall said it had picked up 5 more infestations and would delete on restart.

Restarted - this time however still no access to the bios and black screen after POST.

As i can't boot from dvd - if no one has an idea I guess the pc is destined for the scap heap.

Please help - if you can though I think this is a big ask as there is no obvious way of getting software on and running. - no access to dos or windows [xp]

I was not able to get a hijack this report before it went pear shaped.