View Full Version : Process List questions

2010-01-30, 19:32
I have two computers and the process list differs regarding smss.exe, crss.exe & winlogon.exe for each so I have different questions for each.

Windows XPsp2
Avast Free Home Edition Antivirus v. 4.8
PC Tools Firewall Plus
Firefox v 3.0.13
Only use Internet Explorer to download windows updates
Spbot updated today
User is Administrator

csrss.exe is showing \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\ as path, no version, company or description is shown

winlogon.exe is showing \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\ as path, no version, company or description is shown

smss.exe is showing \SystemRoot\System32\ as path, no version, company or description is shown

Right clicking all three to "show file in Explorer" gives me the error "does not exist or is not a directory" Why is that? The c/windows/system32 folder does exist and these files are in that folder. And why the \??\ in front of the path? From searching this forum, it doesn't appear to be a problem?...but I still don't understand why they are listed this way, why no version, company or description is listed and why I can't be brought to these files in Explorer by right clicking. Looking at the loaded modules for each of these three processes, everything shows without the \??\, except the actual process I'm reviewing. Can I fix this somehow?

On the other hand....

Windows Vista Home Basic
Everything else the same as above
Spybot opened as "run as Administrator"

These three processes are NOT showing a path under the process list (for any processes actually), as they do on the other computer, yet they DO show the version, company and descriptions. Just the opposite of the other computer. Now I can right click on these, but they take me to the desktop\myname\documents folder and there under "folder path" it shows as C:\users\myname. In fact is seems everything does when I right click. That can't be right? Shouldn't I be directed to the c\windows\system32 folder where these exist? Also, when I check loaded modules for these or any of the processes listed...there's none, it's blank!

Edit: Forgot to mention I have two csrss.exe processes running on computer 2 according to SB. Is this a problem? Only one is showing under task manger.

So opposite strange issues. Sorry for the long post and hope someone can explain these things to me. Most important of course...do these things indicate problems with my computers?

Scanned with SB today and no immediate threats found on either computer.
