View Full Version : Unexpected Error In Fixing Problem - Access Denied

2010-02-10, 21:50
I am trying to fix the problems SB found on my computer and an error came up.

"unexpected error in fixing problems (cannot create file "C:\windows\system32/drivers\etc\hosts". Access is denied"

Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks

BTW I think I have some kind of malware or virus because I'm also getting redirected and having invalid security certificates.

2010-02-11, 09:55

Please delete your old host file.
Where the hosts file is located depends on your Windows version.
Windows 2000/XP/NT: C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
Windows 95/98: C:\windows\hosts

Then download a new host file on this site (http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.txt).

Copy the whole text.
Then create a new txt file on your desktop and name it hosts without any extensions.
Then paste the text into it and store the file at the same place like mentioned above.

Best regards
Team Spybot