View Full Version : immunization results in zero protected files?

2010-02-19, 04:45
I suspect this is a dumb question, but it seems to me after I run the immunization program I should see lots of protected files and folders. Instead I see the protected files column = 0 in every row or category.:confused

Gopher John
2010-02-19, 14:13
When you click on the Shield icon(third down on the main screen), it opens the Immunize screen you are referring to. It is then that you see the list with the immunizations( and the protected files = 0) that you mention. Up thru now this is just a check and a comparison of immunizations that are available compared to those that have been applied. It's exactly like hitting the "Check again" icon at the top of the list.

Click on the green + "Immunize" icon to apply the available immunizations. The 0 protected should change to the same as the number of available immunizations.