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View Full Version : Spybot - Scheduled Tasks - WinXP Home

2010-03-07, 18:01
I have Spybot S&D on two machines at home.

1. WinXP Home - Pentium 4 - 1G RAM
2. WinXP Pro - Pentium 4 - 1.5G RAM

I've got the WinXP Pro machine working exactly as I want it with respect to Spybot and scheduled tasks. It checks for updates daily, checks for and fixes problem. At the very end, I'm left with the open program advising whether there are any problems - just as I want it.

It's the WinXP Home machine that's causing problems. I have it setup identically to the Pro machine. Here is what I'm seeing:

1. The scheduled task starts on time, but I don't see a "Check in Progress" dialog box after the task begins - I do on my Pro machine.

2. I have the Home machine starting at 5 am. Last night, I checked it at 11pm and it was still running! I stopped it. I checked it this morning at 11 am and it was still running. I don't have this problem on the Pro machine. It takes approx 45 mins on Pro, then it's done. It seems to just run continually on the Home machine without finishing.

On the Home machine, I have:
+ Uninstalled/Reinstalled Spybot
+ Disabled screensaver and power managment options (just in case)
+ Ensured that the scheduled task is running under an admin account and have entered the correct passwd

I've done some searching but haven't seen anything matching this particular problem. Usually, the problem is folks can't seem to get Spybot running at all in scheduled tasks. I can get it to run, just can't seem to get it to finish, or show the dialog box.

Help appreciated.
