View Full Version : Help with Items in SpybotSD system startup

2010-03-27, 08:00
I was looking through the system start-up within spybots advanced mode and noticed 3 entries that concern me and i am not sure what to do, i checked the FAQs and different threads but could not find any answers.
the entries state in the discription to the right that they are-virus,malware or other resource hog.
1st entry- HK_LM:Run(current system)
the value is blank as is the command line.
2nd HK_CU:Run (User S-1-5-21-166070
value SmileyApp
command line Program files\doubleD\gamingharbor toolbar\\st
(i never downloaded this, and can not find it).
3rd- HK_CU:Run(User S-1-5-21-166070
Value- ctfmon.exe
Command line- \system32\ctfmon.exe

What do i need to do to get rid of these?

2010-03-29, 12:56
Already answered via e-mail.
Please do not request help at several places at one time as this takes double support time.