2010-04-11, 01:59
Oh...the guy that made that mess, better hope that I never meet him...Several days ago...hubby got infected (hahah on the computer) with this nasty thing...since then I've run spybot a number of time, downloaded malwarebytes and ran it a number of times, each time anywhere from 50-150 infections have been got so bad that windows (xp) froze to the point that I had to do a power button shut down..then it got corrupted and I had to on start up I get Rundll error C:/windows\system32\msugddft.dll error..have trouble trying to reinstall McAfee. I'm no computer expert but, I really don't want to have to spend a bunch of money to clean out the registry..I'd sure appreciate some help..before I throw this thing out of the 2nd story window...