View Full Version : Where are the logs?

2010-04-16, 20:09
Does Spybot keep logs?

I'm specifically interested in knowing how long it takes to run scans. After a scan completes there appears, at the bottom left of the page, a notation giving the number of problems found and what appears to be a time notation in parentheses, e.g. (36:29). But I timed the (36:29) scan at greater than 107 minutes. So, what does (36:29) mean? And are there logs, and how do I find them?

2010-04-17, 06:34
Yes,it does keep logs.
You can see them by going into Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode > Tools > View Reports > View Previous reports.

2010-04-18, 02:05
Thanks, Zenobia. I see them.


2010-04-18, 20:59
You're welcome. :)