View Full Version : Spybot S&D results question.

2010-05-06, 06:02
Hi everyone,

Firt time poster here, and quite unfamiliar with malware, etc.

I hope I posted in the correct section, if not I apologize!

I have a dvd-r that has some information on it that I need to add onto my hard drive on my laptop. I need this for work.

I opened up Spybot S&D as an administrator and highlighted my dvd drive where the disk was inserted and scanned using Spybot and Ad-Aware. Ad-Aware came up clean, but Spybot came up mostly clean on both the Malware & Heuristic scans, however there were 3 or 4 instances in each scan (M & H - same files for each) that came up with "MyPoints" as opposed to "Nothing Found". I took a screen shot of the Spybot window which I have attached.

Does anyone know anything about this? I have googled it but couldn't find a whole lot of what I thought was useful information.

If anyone could help, I would really appreciate it! I am scared to put the info on my work computer (Windows XP Pro) and screw it up or am I being uneccessarily cautious?

The laptop that I scanned the disk from is Windows Vista. If you need more info that I didn't post, I'm sorry and tell me what you need and I will post it...

Thanks for your time everyone and hope the weather is great wherever you are!


2010-05-06, 06:10
Quick update!

The Spybot scan has a Malware and a Heuristic scan readout - This MyPoints "thing" only came up during the Heuristic scan...The Malware scan of the same files reported "nothing found".

Thanks again!