View Full Version : Problem with Opera 9

2006-07-11, 11:03
The problem is that Spybot 1.4 does not display option "Permanent Opera Immunity" under Win XP Home edition. Other programs installed are Panda antivirus and Outpost firewall. On the other machines under WinXP Pro everything is OK, but firewalls are off and antiviruses are Kaspersky. What might be the reason?
Thank you

2006-07-11, 11:14

Spybot-S&D does also support the Opera browser.
The list of blocked installers in the resident section shows all Opera profiles, and how many of the plugins that Spybot-S&D knows as bad, are already blocked in each profile. To set the complete protection, just tick the checkbox in front of the profile you want to protect. To remove the protection, untick the checkbox.

Not many browser plugins are currently working for Opera, but the attempt to install some may crash Opera, and ActiveX support for Opera is available in third-party beta software, so use this function as a pre-caution against future misuse of Opera through spyware.

This feature will (certainly) only be displayed if you have Opera installed on your system!

Best regards
Team Spybot

2006-07-19, 23:29

Spybot-S&D does also support the Opera browser.

this is no longer accurate, spybotsandra. I mentioned in another thread that Spybot 1.4 does NOT offer Permanent Opera Immunity for Opera 9.0 web browsers and only for Opera 8.5 & older browsers. The option WILL show up ONLY if Opera 8.5 or earlier is installed just like in my case. Opera 9 browsers install in a different folder than with Opera 8 browsers.

so hopefully Opera 9 immunity will be added in the next version of Spybot.

2006-07-19, 23:43
Spybot shows permanent opera immunity for me,and I have Opera 9.0.

2006-07-20, 16:49
Spybot shows permanent opera immunity for me,and I have Opera 9.0.

OK I have confirmed that Spybot can offer immunity for Opera 9 browsers ONLY if it is installed in the \Program Files\Opera\ folder which is NOT the default folder for Opera 9. The setup installer will install it in \Program Files\Opera 9\ folder. During setup, change the target folder from \Opera 9\ to \Opera\ and install Opera 9 into \Program Files\Opera\ folder and check the Individual Profiles option. Be sure to use the Opera 9 Classic Installer and NOT the Opera 9 MSI Installer.

Schlecht, if you are still out there, please follow these steps on making Spybot offer immunity for Opera 9 by installing it into the \Program Files\Opera\ folder.

2006-07-20, 19:43
Yes,mine is in the Opera folder,not Opera9,I just checked.

2006-07-20, 20:09
Just reinstalled,from the download from this page:
And the folder it installed Opera to was C:\Program Files\Opera.It did it by default,I didn't change anything. :scratch:

2006-07-21, 01:10
Just reinstalled,from the download from this page:
And the folder it installed Opera to was C:\Program Files\Opera.It did it by default,I didn't change anything. :scratch:

Zenobia, did you perform an "upgrade" install of Opera 9 (meaning install Opera 9 over previous version of Opera) or did you do a "clean" install of Opera 9 (meaning install Opera 9 over nothing). And did you use the Opera 9 MSI installer OR the Opera 9 Classic installer. Opera 9 is offered in TWO installers; one for Windows Installer and the other featuring its older installer.

2006-07-21, 01:12
Opera 9 for Windows can be downloaded here:
and Opera 9 using its "classic" installer can be downloaded here:

2006-07-21, 01:29
Zenobia, did you perform an "upgrade" install of Opera 9 (meaning install Opera 9 over previous version of Opera) or did you do a "clean" install of Opera 9 (meaning install Opera 9 over nothing). And did you use the Opera 9 MSI installer OR the Opera 9 Classic installer. Opera 9 is offered in TWO installers; one for Windows Installer and the other featuring its older installer.

All right, I have downloaded Opera 9 browsers with BOTH installers and have tested them on my XP computer.

The installation folder for Opera 9 using the newer MSI/InstallShield installer will default to \Program Files\Opera\ folder. However, the installation folder for Opera 9 using the older/WISE installer will point to \Program Files\Opera 9\ folder. Those using the "older" installer will have to make a change and point the destination folder from the "Opera 9" folder to the "Opera" folder. Users who have downloaded the Opera 9 browser with the newer installer do not need to change the install folder during setup.

hope this helps everyone out for those who have Opera 9 on their computers. :)
(gee, I wish I had the ability to "edit" my posts as I dont have that anymore)

BTW - I am beta testing Opera 9.01

2006-07-21, 02:29
Hi.Sorry I didn't answer your questions,I just got home. :)

2006-07-21, 02:57
It was a clean install,using the newer MSI/InstallShield installer.(from before)

The older installer from http://www.opera.com/download/get.pl?id=28174
also was going to install to C:\Program Files\Opera\ during set-up by default,though I didn't carry through the install.(just now)

Saw the beta.I might check that out,later. :)

2006-07-21, 18:21
It was a clean install,using the newer MSI/InstallShield installer.(from before)

The older installer from http://www.opera.com/download/get.pl?id=28174
also was going to install to C:\Program Files\Opera\ during set-up by default,though I didn't carry through the install.(just now)

Saw the beta.I might check that out,later. :)

THAT did NOT happen with the older Opera 9 installer on my WinME and WinXP machines. They point to \Program Files\Opera 9\ folder for the default. I bet more users may have that problem I have and they need to pay close attention to where Opera 9 is being installed.

so it looks like both of us get "different" outcomes when using Opera 9 installers.

2006-07-21, 18:36
noel-pr7: Did you try starting the installation using the older installer now that you have it installed in the Opera folder?

Could be it picks up the existing location from the registry or existing configuration (cfg, ini?) file if it can find it, otherwise it defaults to Opera 9?

This is exactly the problem with Spybot, since Opera keeps moving its location Spybot can't find it, so it assumes it's not there. Patrick posted about this about two revisions and a year ago.

At least now you understand the problem.

2006-07-21, 19:29

I have just tested the Opera 9 Classic Installer [Opera 9 Classic Setup.exe] on my next-door neighbor's Win98se machine and it points to "Opera 9" folder instead of "Opera" folder AND it was a CLEAN install of Win98 SE. There were NO traces of Opera locations in the registry or any cfg, ini files. And when I tested the Opera 9 MSI Installer [Opera 9 Eng Setup.exe] on the same Win98se computer, it will install to "Opera" folder and not the "Opera 9" folder.

I may have to contact the makers of Opera 9 browser and request their older installer install in the Opera folder instead of Opera 9 folder in future releases of the Opera 9 browser.

But at least the newer installer for Opera 9 will put it in the Opera folder just like in previous versions of Opera.

anyways, I have already resolved the Opera 9 install problem on all my machines that have Opera browser installed. The creators of Opera 9 have made some major changes to the browser. :bigthumb:

2006-07-21, 22:38
Yes,same here,clean install of Opera using the classic installer points to Opera 9 by default.

2006-07-21, 23:08
Could be it picks up the existing location from the registry or existing configuration (cfg, ini?) file if it can find it, otherwise it defaults to Opera 9?

It was this.
"Last Directory3"="C:\\Program Files\\Opera\\"
Took that out,and the classic installer defaulted to Opera 9.I didn't delete Opera Software from the registry,the first time with the classic installer.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Opera Software]
"Plugin Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Opera\\Program\\Plugins"
"Create Desktop icon"="1"
"Create Quicklaunch icon"="1"
"Create Startmenu icons"="1"
"Last Directory3"="C:\\Program Files\\Opera\\"
"Last CommandLine"="C:\\Program Files\\Opera\\opera.exe"
"Last CommandLine v2"="C:\\Program Files\\Opera\\Opera.exe C:\\Program Files\\Opera\\Opera.exe\""