View Full Version : How to use SpyBot as on demand scanner only

2010-06-03, 19:43
How do I set up spyBot S&D as an on demand scanner only? How do I make sure that tea timer is off?

2010-06-03, 20:42
This shows what is available in Spybot besides scanning.
Doing what I've listed below should make Spybot an on-demand scanner only:

Run Spybot,click Mode,Advanced Mode,Tools,then Resident,and uncheck Resident "Teatimer",if it is checkmarked.

Besides disabling Teatimer,you can also uncheck Resident "SDHelper".

Then,over to the left click Spybot S&D,then Immunize.If you've immunized previously,then you should see a list of items as Protected.To deimmunize,rightclick somewhere in the Spybot window(where you see a list of items as Protected,Unprotected,etc.),select 'Select All',then click the Undo button.