View Full Version : deleted in System Startup global entry

2010-06-14, 04:30
I was installing an update and, on the basis of comments from Spybot decided to deny the changes (ie extreme shutdown delays would be encountered with this service actrive but no adverse effects with it disabled). I ticked the 'remember this box' but obviously not properly because Spybot didn't remember it. Attached PDF shows results.

The Spybot log says 'Denied (based on user blacklist) value "NvSvc" (new data."") deleted in System Startup global entry

I tried to do a system restore in Vista and the Spybot log shows >>>User decisions reset!<<< followed by Denied (based on user decision) value "Windows Defender" (new data:%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MSASCui.exe-hide"). Can anybody help please?