View Full Version : Hosts File Reverts

2010-06-29, 02:40
Hello Spybot people, I have a problem.

I use the immunize feature in Spybot but I also personally like to use the HOSTS file (which Spybot uses for immunizing) myself. This would be fine if I could do both, but every time I use Spybot's immunize feature, the web addresses I have entered disappear after a day or two. I have tried putting my web address lines after Spybot's and in Spybot's range of blocked websites, but it doesn't work.

I think it is the problem with the immunization thing, because the unprotected counts went from 46646 to 48855 in a couple of days, even though a few days earlier before the number jumped I had immunized everything. So it appears my immunization feature isn’t working properly.

Any advice would be appreciated!

Edit: Another anomaly I've noticed is my Firefox popup blocker. In Firefox, when I go to tools>options>[Block Pop-Up Windows] Exceptions, there used to be a list of Spybot's blocked websites. However, when I go there now there is nothing at all and the websites I do block (using right click+Block Images from ____) come back later.

Again, thanks for the help.

2010-07-09, 00:16
Anyone wanna attempt to help? :euro: