View Full Version : spybot version 1.6.2 slowdown

georgia bulldog
2010-06-30, 20:04
I just recently updated to version 1.6.2. I have experienced a major slowdown in IE7 and a very long time in running this version to detect problems. May be 2-3 time slower on the detection. On IE7 it has slowed down 3-5 times slower that it was. Has anyone else experienced this problem

2010-07-01, 11:34
Hello Georgia,

Have you immunized with Spybot?
Do you have the resident protection activated?

Best regards
Team Spybot

georgia bulldog
2010-07-01, 15:08
Hi Sandra, I immunize each time after I run spybot. My entire system is being effective, on certain websites like foxnews.com and abcnews.com pages are held and I can't do anything, not even move the page up or down. Something is holding the pages and spybot version 1.6.2 is only change I have made. Not sure what you mean by resident protection activated??

2010-07-02, 11:02

So if you undo the immunization is it still slow?

The resident part of Spybot can be found here:
Run Spybot-S&D, switch to the "Advanced mode" via the menu bar item "Mode" --> hit "YES" --> select "Tools" in the navigation bar on the left --> "Resident" and there you can tick the checkboxes in front of the two tools.

Best regards
Team Spybot

georgia bulldog
2010-07-02, 16:43
Before I received your last response I deleted the entire spybot software and went to foxnews.com and had no problems with that website, no page holding or lockups.

georgia bulldog
2010-07-23, 16:16
I did un-immunize and it runs faster. Would like to know why spybot runs so slow when looking for spyware. It use to run fairly fast.