View Full Version : acer shutting down 1 min after login on

2010-07-03, 18:40
my laptop is shutting down after login on.
what i have found is that when kept busy opening folders (that i just click on... a lot, like photos programs than.... anything) it does hold being on (max i could hold it switch on was like 10min ,i was able to download some photos from it) but eventually it goes off and just make me so... angry i should say ha ha.
it all start when i turn down anti virus being online and trying to instal kasprovsky . hmmmm ... so stupid i was.
The FORCE was not with me ( was with my son in the toilet...)
did i mention that in my dark side anger i have kicked it and...
screen is no more ha ha.
i do need those files hidden there.
Help me OBI-WAN KENOBI you are my only hope

2010-07-03, 21:44
Hello polcoral,

The FORCE was not with me ( was with my son in the toilet...)
did i mention that in my dark side anger i have kicked it and...
screen is no more ha ha.
i do need those files hidden there.

You don't have a screen? :eek:

it all start when i turn down anti virus being online and trying to instal kasprovsky .
Is this a malware problem, please clarify. :)

Other topic: http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=58359

What does "le bustardo" mean?
If you have more than one infected computer in the house please let your helper know. Start a new topic for the next machine once the prior thread has been closed. "BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance) (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

Best regards.

2010-07-04, 00:02
thx for rply so quickly i am impress .
1. yes my screen is gone but i have manage to plug in ext. screen so i could have that so called fun with this thing.
2. i do think that THE THING is one of the many viruses that net users can play with ha ha> i do remember a big i mean BIG sentence flashing on the screen'DANGER to your system ... bla bla bla ...virus something something ... something Dark Side ... and then i have pressed enter WHY I have done that dont know those words couldn't be bigger. next thing is screen on off on off and everything goes down. after i have trying switch on my toy just were going off all the time. there is something inside, and i am no pro.
i no nothing about comp.
3.i am so sorry for miss leading with this le bustardo. that is how i am calling friends who make a life difficult but still are friends and need to understand them not trying to change them

2010-07-04, 04:00
Hello polcoral,

Is this the same machine as the one in the first topic you started?

Best regards.

2010-07-04, 08:42
hi Tashi
i always make things difficult and so i should wait with second topic as it is written in rules. those issues are for separate machines tashi and again sorry for confusion .
nothing is easy.
if i could just point out that toshiba one (le bustardo) often denying login on ,when windows starts everything flashes on the screen and dissapiring from screen just to come back after short time.
ahhh another thing ... login on toshiba only as a temporary user .:cowboy:
all the best