View Full Version : Spybot SD corrupted registry!

2010-07-07, 09:15
I'll make it to the point:

- Installed and ran Spybot Search and Destroy. Removed some spyware.
- Restarted PC, blank screen after boot screen right before "windows is starting"
- Safemode Will not load (F8 loads boot menu, and after that when I choose my OS HD and press F8 again, I get the blank screen again.)
- Tried two different Windows Restore points to no avail (through windows disc)
- Tried Startup repair on disk

What else can I do now?

I only have one hope: When I installed Spybot SD I chose to make a backup of my registry which is somewhere on my HD. How can I restore this with the options I have? I cannot access doccuments and settings through the recovery command prompt, nor can i access it through ubuntu.

Thanks so much!