View Full Version : Infection reappears after fixing

2010-07-21, 20:11
Hi,i have run spybot and see it has found win32fraudload & also the chinky file.When i click on fix i am told it has been fixed successfully but when i carry out another scan they are both found again,i am now not sure if it is a false positive or did the software not do its job correct.
I see these files are mentioned in the updates 2010-07-21 but when i click on more i am told the page can not be viewed.

Any advice would be nice as i am now not sure if i should use the pc regarding it being safe to do so or keep trying to find out how to remove them.

ps,also having problems updating as well.

2010-07-21, 20:50
Might be easier to see what's going on if you post the short report. :)

Please open SpyBot.
Check for problems.
When the scan completes, right click on the results list, select "Copy results to clipboard".
Paste (Ctrl+V) those results here.

2010-07-21, 21:01
I thought i would try another scan.
This time i did not get any error messages when starting spybot,as before there were error messages when it tried to update but this time it went throught no problem.
I carried out another scan and the result was "no immediate threats were found"

I will restart pc and carry out another scan just to be sure,i will post reply later.


2010-07-21, 23:28
Ok,thanks. :)

2010-07-21, 23:41
I have restarted the pc and carried out another scan of which was ok.
I think the issue i had with the updating side of things has been fixed as i do not get any error messages now,can you confirm this ?
If the updating has been fixed and now having run a scan the issue was not detected does that mean the 2 files previously mentioned has been sorted.

Just to make sure i am giving the pc another last scan.

2010-07-21, 23:57
Just finished another scan and all fine,no problems with the 2 files as shown in my first post,thanks

2010-07-22, 23:23
That's good. :)

I think the issue i had with the updating side of things has been fixed as i do not get any error messages now,can you confirm this ?
No,sorry,I cannot,if there are any issues with updates or the Spybot website in general,they're as much a mystery to me as they are to everyone. :)
What did the error message say when you were trying to update before?

If you would like,you could post the fixes.log from your scan where Win32.FraudLoad and Win32.Chinky.gen were being found.The fixes.log should be dated,so you can open the one from your previous scan.It should be in yymmdd-hhmm format(year,month,day,-hour,minute.)
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode > Tools > View Reports > View Previous reports.Look for the Fixes.yymmdd-hhmm.log file from the scan where Win32.FraudLoad and Win32.Chinky.gen were being found.Open it.To copy it to the Clipboard,right click on the listing and select Select All > Right click again and select Copy.Paste (Ctrl+V) the contents of the Clipboard here.

2010-07-22, 23:47
I have run 5 scans today and all perfect.
No infections were found at all.

2010-07-23, 07:15
I mentioned posting the fixes.log earlier in regards to your previous question here,since the logfile should show what Spybot was detecting,and where.While Spybot probably found and fixed an infection(s),there's a small chance it might have been a false positive,that perhaps was corrected after you were able to successfully update,or something like that.It was just too many guesses,and not enough to go on.:

If the updating has been fixed and now having run a scan the issue was not detected does that mean the 2 files previously mentioned has been sorted.

I have run 5 scans today and all perfect.
No infections were found at all.
That's good,so long as everything with your computer seems okay,and you have no further concerns.If you'd like to leave it at that,that's up to you. :)