View Full Version : Browser redirect to "Channel 6" site resolved

2010-08-22, 01:16
Symptom: Whenever you go to the comcast web site, it opens a second browser instance to a Channel 6 website.

Using Windows XP, latest service pack and all updates kept up-to-date, and McAfee with On access scan turned on and
having run Spybot a few times to rid my machine of malware I didn't even know I had, which it did,
There was still one remnant it couldn't get rid of and having done so, I thought I'd share the process in case anyone else sees it.

the file c:\windows\system32\ntload.exe, reported by SpyBot as being not deletable seemed always to be running, and I couldn't kill it in task manager.

I also kept getting a Visual Studio debugger request on logon to Windows to debug into rundll32.exe which I routinely canceled but when I said OK to that recently, I found it was in my profile's root directory (C:\Documents and Settings\name). Even after I canceled the debugger session, I couldn't kill it in task manager. It seemed to be loading a file in the same directory call ntload.dll which I couldn't delete.

The only way I could kill it was with pskill.exe. After that I could delete all of these bogus files, but I had to go to the other profiles on the same machine to delete those rundll32.exe and ntload.dll copies.

When all of this was done, the browser redirect issue vanished.

Spybot is great and I appreciate the work everyone's done on it.