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Being attacked


New member
Hello, thanks in advance for your help.

My situation is pretty confusing. I apologize in advance for the long explanation.

My mom just used the computer a couple days ago, using a site called Intelius to find an address. I looked up the site right after and found that it's a scam site that potentially has viruses. I did a Spybot scan, but it found nothing, so I thought we were ok.

A day or two later, my Norton antivirus told me it blocked an attack from a computer. Oddly enough, the computer was under the name Dennis, my dad's name. It almost made it sound like the computer was attacking itself, but maybe this was just a coincidence.

I ran an online scan that I'd been given in this forum before called ESET. It had found something called "a variant of Java/exploit.agent.M trojan", I believe it was. (Maybe a W instead of an M). I had to go out, but told my brother to keep an eye on it. Afterward, the scan said it was "fixed" (meaning quarantined) and my brother texted me to tell me it was done. I came back and our computer was in hibernation mode, which is difficult to get it out of, so I restarted the computer, forgetting that ESET requires you to click "delete all quarantined items" to get rid of them. (Foolish me, I know.)
And so I deleted ESET from my computer when I got back on, since I normally do that to keep it from conflicting with other antivirus software I have and slowing my computer.

And I was attacked again (though it was blocked). Still by the Dennis computer, though under a new "attacker URL". I ran another ESET scan, twice, but it found nothing. I ran a Spybot and Norton scan, and still it found nothing.

Now, should I be concerned? I restarted the computer again, and this time I haven't been attacked, but I'm still pretty cautious. If you have some way to help me know if I'm infected, or how to get rid of anything I'd be very appreciative. I've thought about doing a System Restore back to a couple days before my mom used the computer, just to be on the safe side.

Thank you very much. My DDS is below.

DDS (Ver_10-03-17.01) - NTFSx86
Run by Mariah at 20:06:33.92 on Sat 09/11/2010
Internet Explorer: 6.0.2900.2180 BrowserJavaVersion: 1.6.0_21
Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600.2.1252.1.1033.18.1023.356 [GMT -4:00]

AV: Norton 360 *On-access scanning enabled* (Updated) {E10A9785-9598-4754-B552-92431C1C35F8}
FW: Norton 360 *enabled* {7C21A4C9-F61F-4AC4-B722-A6E19C16F220}

============== Running Processes ===============

C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost -k DcomLaunch
C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
C:\Program Files\WTouch\WTouchService.exe
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jqs.exe
C:\Program Files\Norton 360\Engine\\ccSvcHst.exe
C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k imgsvc
C:\Program Files\WTouch\WTouchUser.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\issch.exe
C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\DVDLauncher.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe
C:\Program Files\AIM\aim.exe
C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nikon\Monitor\NkMonitor.exe
C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\program\soffice.exe
C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\program\soffice.bin
C:\Program Files\Norton 360\Engine\\ccSvcHst.exe
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Mariah\My Documents\Downloads\dds.scr

============== Pseudo HJT Report ===============

uURLSearchHooks: AOLSearchHook Class: {54eb34ea-e6be-4cfd-9f4f-c4a0c2eafa22} - c:\program files\aim search\AOLSearch.dll
BHO: Spybot-S&D IE Protection: {53707962-6f74-2d53-2644-206d7942484f} - c:\program files\spybot - search & destroy\SDHelper.dll
BHO: AOLSearchHook Class: {54eb34ea-e6be-4cfd-9f4f-c4a0c2eafa22} - c:\program files\aim search\AOLSearch.dll
BHO: DriveLetterAccess: {5ca3d70e-1895-11cf-8e15-001234567890} - c:\windows\system32\dla\DLASHX_W.DLL
BHO: Symantec NCO BHO: {602adb0e-4aff-4217-8aa1-95dac4dfa408} - c:\program files\norton 360\engine\\coIEPlg.dll
BHO: Symantec Intrusion Prevention: {6d53ec84-6aae-4787-aeee-f4628f01010c} - c:\program files\norton 360\engine\\IPSBHO.DLL
BHO: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper: {dbc80044-a445-435b-bc74-9c25c1c588a9} - c:\program files\java\jre6\bin\jp2ssv.dll
BHO: JQSIEStartDetectorImpl Class: {e7e6f031-17ce-4c07-bc86-eabfe594f69c} - c:\program files\java\jre6\lib\deploy\jqs\ie\jqs_plugin.dll
TB: Norton Toolbar: {7febefe3-6b19-4349-98d2-ffb09d4b49ca} - c:\program files\norton 360\engine\\coIEPlg.dll
uRun: [Aim] "c:\program files\aim\aim.exe" /d locale=en-US
uRun: [SpybotSD TeaTimer] c:\program files\spybot - search & destroy\TeaTimer.exe
mRun: [ehTray] c:\windows\ehome\ehtray.exe
mRun: [DLA] c:\windows\system32\dla\DLACTRLW.EXE
mRun: [ISUSPM Startup] c:\progra~1\common~1\instal~1\update~1\ISUSPM.exe -startup
mRun: [ISUSScheduler] "c:\program files\common files\installshield\updateservice\issch.exe" -start
mRun: [NvCplDaemon] RUNDLL32.EXE c:\windows\system32\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup
mRun: [nwiz] nwiz.exe /installquiet
mRun: [DVDLauncher] "c:\program files\cyberlink\powerdvd\DVDLauncher.exe"
mRun: [NvMediaCenter] RunDLL32.exe NvMCTray.dll,NvTaskbarInit
mRun: [SunJavaUpdateSched] "c:\program files\common files\java\java update\jusched.exe"
mRun: [QuickTime Task] "c:\program files\quicktime\QTTask.exe" -atboottime
StartupFolder: c:\docume~1\mariah\startm~1\programs\startup\openof~1.lnk - c:\program files\openoffice.org 3\program\quickstart.exe
StartupFolder: c:\docume~1\alluse~1\startm~1\programs\startup\nikonm~1.lnk - c:\program files\common files\nikon\monitor\NkMonitor.exe
IE: {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - c:\program files\messenger\msmsgs.exe
IE: {DFB852A3-47F8-48C4-A200-58CAB36FD2A2} - {53707962-6F74-2D53-2644-206D7942484F} - c:\program files\spybot - search & destroy\SDHelper.dll
DPF: {7530BFB8-7293-4D34-9923-61A11451AFC5} - hxxp://download.eset.com/special/eos/OnlineScanner.cab
DPF: {8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93} - hxxp://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_21-windows-i586.cab
DPF: {CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0021-ABCDEFFEDCBA} - hxxp://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_21-windows-i586.cab
DPF: {CAFEEFAC-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-ABCDEFFEDCBA} - hxxp://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_21-windows-i586.cab
DPF: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000} - hxxps://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab
Handler: symres - {AA1061FE-6C41-421f-9344-69640C9732AB} - c:\program files\norton 360\engine\\CoIEPlg.dll
Notify: GoToAssist - c:\program files\citrix\gotoassist\514\G2AWinLogon.dll

================= FIREFOX ===================

FF - ProfilePath - c:\docume~1\mariah\applic~1\mozilla\firefox\profiles\368y39oc.default\
FF - component: c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\norton\{0c55c096-0f1d-4f28-aaa2-85ef591126e7}\norton\coffplgn\components\coFFPlgn.dll
FF - component: c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\norton\{0c55c096-0f1d-4f28-aaa2-85ef591126e7}\norton\ipsffplgn\components\IPSFFPl.dll
FF - plugin: c:\documents and settings\mariah\application data\facebook\npfbplugin_1_0_3.dll
FF - plugin: c:\documents and settings\mariah\application data\mozilla\firefox\profiles\368y39oc.default\extensions\{e2883e8f-472f-4fb0-9522-ac9bf37916a7}\plugins\np_gp.dll
FF - plugin: c:\program files\google\google earth\plugin\npgeplugin.dll
FF - plugin: c:\program files\google\update\\npGoogleOneClick8.dll
FF - plugin: c:\program files\java\jre6\bin\new_plugin\npdeployJava1.dll
FF - plugin: c:\program files\mozilla firefox\plugins\npdnu.dll
FF - plugin: c:\program files\mozilla firefox\plugins\npdnupdater2.dll
FF - plugin: c:\program files\tabletplugins\npwacom.dll
FF - HiddenExtension: Java Console: No Registry Reference - c:\program files\mozilla firefox\extensions\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0018-ABCDEFFEDCBA}
FF - HiddenExtension: Java Console: No Registry Reference - c:\program files\mozilla firefox\extensions\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0021-ABCDEFFEDCBA}

FF - user.js: network.protocol-handler.warn-external.dnupdate - falsec:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("ui.use_native_colors", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("ui.use_native_popup_windows", false);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("browser.enable_click_image_resizing", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("accessibility.browsewithcaret_shortcut.enabled", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("javascript.options.mem.high_water_mark", 32);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_frequency", 1600);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("network.IDN.whitelist.lu", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("network.IDN.whitelist.nu", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("network.IDN.whitelist.nz", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgbaam7a8h", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgberp4a5d4ar", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--p1ai", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgbayh7gpa", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("network.IDN.whitelist.tel", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("network.auth.force-generic-ntlm", false);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("network.proxy.type", 5);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("network.buffer.cache.count", 24);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("network.buffer.cache.size", 4096);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("dom.ipc.plugins.timeoutSecs", 45);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("svg.smil.enabled", false);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("ui.trackpoint_hack.enabled", -1);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("browser.formfill.debug", false);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("browser.formfill.agedWeight", 2);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("browser.formfill.bucketSize", 1);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("browser.formfill.maxTimeGroupings", 25);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("browser.formfill.timeGroupingSize", 604800);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("browser.formfill.boundaryWeight", 25);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("browser.formfill.prefixWeight", 5);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\all.js - pref("accelerometer.enabled", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\security-prefs.js - pref("security.ssl.allow_unrestricted_renego_everywhere__temporarily_available_pref", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\security-prefs.js - pref("security.ssl.renego_unrestricted_hosts", "");
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\security-prefs.js - pref("security.ssl.treat_unsafe_negotiation_as_broken", false);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\security-prefs.js - pref("security.ssl.require_safe_negotiation", false);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\greprefs\security-prefs.js - pref("security.ssl3.rsa_seed_sha", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox-branding.js - pref("app.update.download.backgroundInterval", 600);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox-branding.js - pref("app.update.url.manual", "http://www.firefox.com");
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox-branding.js - pref("browser.search.param.yahoo-fr-ja", "mozff");
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("extensions.{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}.name", "chrome://browser/locale/browser.properties");
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("extensions.{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}.description", "chrome://browser/locale/browser.properties");
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("xpinstall.whitelist.add", "addons.mozilla.org");
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("xpinstall.whitelist.add.36", "getpersonas.com");
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("lightweightThemes.update.enabled", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("browser.allTabs.previews", false);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("plugins.hide_infobar_for_outdated_plugin", false);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("plugins.update.notifyUser", false);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("toolbar.customization.usesheet", false);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.nptest.dll", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npswf32.dll", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npctrl.dll", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npqtplugin.dll", true);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("dom.ipc.plugins.enabled", false);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("browser.taskbar.previews.enable", false);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("browser.taskbar.previews.max", 20);
c:\program files\mozilla firefox\defaults\pref\firefox.js - pref("browser.taskbar.previews.cachetime", 20);

============= SERVICES / DRIVERS ===============

R0 SymEFA;Symantec Extended File Attributes;c:\windows\system32\drivers\n360\0308000.029\SymEFA.sys [2010-2-3 310320]
R1 ATMhelpr;ATMhelpr;c:\windows\system32\drivers\ATMHELPR.SYS [2009-12-22 4064]
R1 BHDrvx86;Symantec Heuristics Driver;c:\windows\system32\drivers\n360\0308000.029\BHDrvx86.sys [2010-2-3 259632]
R1 ccHP;Symantec Hash Provider;c:\windows\system32\drivers\n360\0308000.029\cchpx86.sys [2010-2-3 482432]
R1 IDSxpx86;IDSxpx86;c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\norton\{0c55c096-0f1d-4f28-aaa2-85ef591126e7}\norton\definitions\ipsdefs\20100909.001\IDSXpx86.sys [2010-9-10 331640]
R2 McrdSvc;Media Center Extender Service;c:\windows\ehome\mcrdsvc.exe [2005-8-5 99328]
R2 N360;Norton 360;c:\program files\norton 360\engine\\ccSvcHst.exe [2010-2-3 117640]
R2 TabletServicePen;TabletServicePen;c:\windows\system32\Pen_Tablet.exe [2009-12-22 4497704]
R2 WTouchService;WTouch Service;c:\program files\wtouch\WTouchService.exe [2009-12-22 113448]
R3 EraserUtilRebootDrv;EraserUtilRebootDrv;c:\program files\common files\symantec shared\eengine\EraserUtilRebootDrv.sys [2010-5-26 102448]
R3 NAVENG;NAVENG;c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\norton\{0c55c096-0f1d-4f28-aaa2-85ef591126e7}\norton\definitions\virusdefs\20100911.002\NAVENG.SYS [2010-9-11 85424]
R3 NAVEX15;NAVEX15;c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\norton\{0c55c096-0f1d-4f28-aaa2-85ef591126e7}\norton\definitions\virusdefs\20100911.002\NAVEX15.SYS [2010-9-11 1362608]
S2 gupdate;Google Update Service (gupdate);"c:\program files\google\update\googleupdate.exe" /svc --> c:\program files\google\update\GoogleUpdate.exe [?]
S3 wacmoumonitor;Wacom Mode Helper;c:\windows\system32\drivers\wacmoumonitor.sys [2009-12-22 16168]

=============== Created Last 30 ================

2010-09-11 15:57:54 0 d-----w- c:\program files\ESET
2010-08-29 11:20:22 14848 -c--a-w- c:\windows\system32\dllcache\kbdhid.sys
2010-08-29 11:20:22 14848 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\kbdhid.sys
2010-08-25 14:03:06 147 ----a-w- c:\windows\Eudcedit.ini
2010-08-24 20:55:14 49536 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\tiehdusb.sys
2010-08-24 20:55:14 21456 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\SilvrLnk.sys
2010-08-24 20:54:39 0 d-----w- c:\program files\TI Education
2010-08-24 20:54:39 0 d-----w- c:\program files\common files\TI Shared
2010-08-24 20:53:05 0 d-----w- c:\program files\common files\Wise Installation Wizard

==================== Find3M ====================

2010-09-11 20:04:52 28936 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\nvModes.dat
2010-08-25 14:02:01 39554 ----a-w- c:\windows\fonts\Cube Root.EUF
2010-08-25 14:02:01 101864 ----a-w- c:\windows\fonts\Cube Root.tte
2010-07-17 09:00:04 423656 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\deployJava1.dll
2010-03-07 18:57:20 251 ----a-w- c:\program files\wt3d.ini

============= FINISH: 20:07:24.20 ===============

I just learned that one of the blocked attacks may have come from a site I use that - though rarely - occasionally gets a rogue ad or two that can be somewhat malicious. Someone else has just told me that one blocked attack I've had has happened to them.

Should I still be concerned, though? After deleting ESET before deleting the quarantined item, should I be doing something more to make sure my computer isn't infected?

Once again, thank you for the help. I apologize if I sound overly paranoid.

Please read Before You Post
While best efforts are made to assist in removing infections safely, unexpected stuff can happen. It is advisable that you back up your important data before starting any clean up procedure. Neither Safer Networking Forums nor the Analyst providing the advice may be held responsible for any loss.

Nothing earth shattering on your log. Lets do this.

Download TFC to your desktop
  • Close any open windows.
  • Double click the TFC icon to run the program
  • TFC will close all open programs itself in order to run,
  • Click the Start button to begin the process.
  • Allow TFC to run uninterrupted.
  • The program should not take long to finish it's job
  • Once its finished it should automatically reboot your machine,
  • if it doesn't, manually reboot to ensure a complete clean

Please download Malwarebytes from Here or Here

  • Double-click mbam-setup.exe and follow the prompts to install the program.
  • At the end, be sure a checkmark is placed next to Update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, then click Finish.
  • If an update is found, it will download and install the latest version.
  • Once the program has loaded, select Perform quick scan, then click Scan.
  • When the scan is complete, click OK, then Show Results to view the results.
  • Be sure that everything is checked, and click Remove Selected .
  • When completed, a log will open in Notepad. Please save it to a convenient location and post the results.
  • Note: If you receive a notice that some of the items couldn't be removed, that they have been added to the delete on reboot list, please reboot.
Post the report please