View Full Version : removal off hosts file problem

2010-09-30, 20:58
i have a lot off old entries in my host file,i cant remove.
when i try useing the built in feature it stops running and doesnt respond.

i do use hm`s hosts mans file. (Abelhadigital)

if i completely remove s&d (useing revo) will this also remove the old entries,i ask this as there mabye a safer method than useing revos unistaller.also this mabye not the best route to use.

it mabye due to lack of ram that when i try to use the built in feture it doesnt respond,however thats a guess,it also might be due to useing hm hosts man file,still thats also a guess.

please dont respond unless you really know,no offence ment one iota just rather get a reply from one off the s&d team.maily due to the fact i also use hm`s hosts file and messing the hosts file up would be a rather painfull task,to reverse.

thanks for any freely given time to this subject.

2010-10-01, 09:29

Please run Spybot-S&D and select "Spybot-S&D" --> "Immunize" in the navigation bar on the left. Please hit "Undo".

Then delete your old host file.
Where the hosts file is located depends on your Windows version.
Windows 2000/XP/NT: C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
Windows 95/98: C:\windows\hosts

Then download a new host file from this site (http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.txt).

This is how to do it:
Create a new txt file with notepad on your desktop.
Name it hosts. Then right click and choose rename.
Now remove the .txt so that you have a file without any extensions, just named hosts.
Then go to this site (http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.txt).
Mark the whole text. Then copy the whole text.
Open your new hosts file and insert the copied text here.
Save the file.
Now move the file by copy and paste to:

Best regards
Team Spybot

2010-10-01, 15:32
thanks for the freely given help to this subject,all the best to you and yours.