View Full Version : Detected on every scan.

2010-10-01, 10:28
Why so many times scan and again detections.

1st run - 81 green
2nd run - 15 green
3rd run - 7 green
4rth run - 14 green + 1 red
5th run - 6 green
6th run - 12 green + 1 red

They are'nt all cookies. And i fix all after each run, also system restart if they say.

Is it got something to do with my thread ,3 hour scan

2010-10-01, 12:52

Would be nice to know what is found exactly.
Don't you already have an open topic in the malware forum? ;)
Further do you have admin rights?
Did you close your browser during the scan with Spybot?

Also I would like to recommend once more to have a look in the help section in Spybot itself and at the tutorial (http://www.safer-networking.org/en/tutorial/index.html) on our homepage!
You should find all answers there!
Please read the tutorial before opening another post. Thanks.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2010-10-01, 13:56
I read the help and tutorial.
Even if some of the green entries are usage tracks, all of the green entries dont say cookies or usage tracks.

Agreed my browser was open, so again they could come, but how come red ones. I didnt search anything, i dont install anything, i didnt go to any site except 2 forums, yahoomail, and yahoo helpcentral.

Yes i have admin rights, i am in a user that has admin rights.
Nopes i dont have an open topic in the malware forum.

Would be nice to know what is found exactly.

I have found the reports inside the spybot S&D, can i paste here?
One of the names i remember of the red ones, were "media rights" or media something.

2010-10-01, 13:58

Yes, please past the names.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2010-10-01, 14:26
I have attached some of the reports.
Fixing reports are in the next post.

2010-10-01, 14:28
Fixing reports.
I couldnt understand the reports.

2010-10-01, 14:43

That are all usage tracks and cookies.
Nothing bad.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2010-10-01, 14:51
ok. Why in red i got 2 times,

Infact i scanned last thing at night, with nothing open, no browsers. It was a system start up scan which came even before the desktop opened. I was not even watching all the time. it was a 3 hour scan. Then as soon as it was over, i shut down the computer.
And since today morning, i havent even opened any browser/program except this forum and yahoomail, and yahoo helpcentral. And along side i put the scan again, and i got the red entry.

2010-10-02, 09:01
Why this red entry over and over again. If its a tracking cookie, its still red.
It got it again today.


Right Media
Tracking cookie[Internet Explorer:Antivirus]

[Antivirus is my username]

2010-10-04, 12:31

RightMedia, YieldManager, Doubleclick (and others like Advertising.com, Avenue A, Inc, CasaleMedia, Fastclick, Hitbox, Mediaplex etc.) are so-called tracking cookies. It is quite common for popular websites to employ such tracking cookies from third parties. They use them in order to track the users' surfing habits on their websites. As I said, these cookies are from third parties but they are employed by the site. There is a tool in Spybot-S&D: BrowserHelper, i.e. a bad download blocker for Internet Explorer. With this tool enabled such tracking cookies will be blocked. In order to activate this tool, please run Spybot-S&D and go to the "Tools"->"Resident" page. Checking the checkbox in front of SDHelper will enable the BrowserHelper.

Now open the Tools menu in your Internet Explorer and choose 'Spybot - Search Destroy Configuration'.
There you will find a drop down menu which will appear giving you some options.
(3rd picture) (http://www.safer-networking.org/en/spybotsd15/index.html)
You should select "Block all bad pages silently".
With that option set the notifications will no longer come up, but you will still have the protection.
Further choose "Spybot-S&D->Immunize" from the navigation bar on the left.
Now the baddies are blocked.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2010-10-04, 13:55
All these settings though were already on my spybot S&D set automatically, and was still getting those tracking cookie.

But that day after i posted here in this topic thread, i read

You can also simply avoid all third party cookies by following the appropriate tutorial listed here (http://www.safer-networking.org/flash/howto/overview.html)

And accordingly,i implemented. And since i did that, the red cookie is not coming.

Just to know, why do popular websites employ bad cookies?

2010-10-04, 14:04

To track the users behaviour and to send you customized advertising.

Best regards
Team Spybot