View Full Version : This used to work . . .I thought . . .

2010-10-25, 00:00
Hi everyone
I'm a new poster here, but I've been using Spybot awhile. I've had my share of infections, have found answers here, and with Google, but usually just reformat, on the really tuff malwares . . .
I have one right now (my security shield) won't let Spybot (and half a dozen other free programs) open, even in safe mode. I thought years ago, I had slaved an infected hard drive to another computer and got Spybot to clean it. I tried that (the drive is recognized), Spybot gives a clean bill of health, but I can tell its not really analyzing the drive . . .Also why would the malware be so scared of Spybot it targets it not to open, if Spybot could'nt find it? . . .at least I think it targets spybot, because lesser known, but ineffective programs can run (terminator).
Before I get in line, at the waiting room, isn't there a way to ask Spybot to analyze a particular, but unused drive? It seems to me I was able, but it was back in Win98 days . . .so maybe I'm getting senile?!?!?!
Any thoughts or responses are appreciated, Thanks Tim:thanks:

2010-10-25, 11:39

This link (http://www.safer-networking.org/en/faq/67.html) should help.

Best regards
Team Spybot