View Full Version : system startup delete

2010-11-04, 05:26
Please clarify the use of the Delete command on the System Startup screen. If I click on Delete, does the system delete all items that are unchecked? Help does not answer this question and I don't want to learn the answer from trial and error. Thanks.

2010-11-04, 08:21
Hi. :)
No,using the Delete button doesn't delete all unchecked entries or checked entries.
Only the entry you've selected by clicking on it with your mouse is deleted when you use the delete button.

Also,unchecking a startup entry,or clicking on an entry with your mouse,then pressing the Toggle button disables the startup entry from running on Windows Startup,rather than deleting it.

2010-11-04, 23:40
Thanks again. The reason I was so cautious is that when you click on Delete, the system notes "You are about to remove these entries." The plural word "entries" led me to think that multiple items would be deleted.

2010-11-07, 04:32
You're welcome.
No worries,even though it says entries,only the one highlighted item will be deleted,so long as it is the only one highlighted in the list. :)