View Full Version : Excessivly long scan time?

2010-11-22, 20:27
I realize the more programs one has the longer the scan takes - but - we are now up to 3 hours for a Spybot scan. It is run 3 times a week, I defrag weekly and my antivirus program scans daily.
Is three hours to scan with Spybot excessive, normal or ?
Thanks for any suggestions.

2010-11-23, 11:15

Please make sure that you are running the latest version of Spybot - Search & Destroy including the latest updates.

To see which version number and/or updates of Spybot - Search & Destroy you are using please run Spybot-S&D and choose "Help" --> "About" in the menu bar.
There you can see which version you have and which updates are installed.
It should be version 1.6.2 and the updates from the 2010/11/17.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2010-11-23, 15:00
Thank Sandra,
I am running Spybot v. with system settings protector and it tells me I have the latest updates installed. I also have ESET Installed for a Firewall and anti virus /spyware. along with SecuniaPSI which checks for outdated and end of life programs. All are up to date with latest updates on my HP Pavillion Model a6400f. PC running Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2 with Intel Pentium Dual CPU, 3.00GB RAM (330 of 456 free), 32 bit OS and IE 8 browser.
I don't know if you need any of this info. but there it is. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

2010-11-23, 15:22

Did you close your browser while working with Spybot?
Did you also close other programs or tried to disable those security software?
I would also recommend to clean your temp files.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2010-11-23, 18:48
If you mean was my browser closed while I was running the scan - yes, we are always off line when any program is scanning.
No I did not try to disable anything.
We run spybot three times a week, early in the a.m. and do not go online until the scan is finished. No other scan is running when Spybot runs.
My Temp files are cleaned daily when I get off line.

I take it from your questions that 3 hours is an excessive amount of time for the scan to run.
Any other suggestions?
Thanks for the help so far. I do hope we can find an answer to this as it's annoying to be waiting so long before we can get on line.

2010-11-24, 11:00

1. That would only be your temporary internet files that are deleted then.
Please try Temp File Cleaner (http://oldtimer.geekstogo.com/TFC.exe) to delete all your temp files.

2. There could also be a problem with your download directory/directories.
At the end of the Spybot scan download directories are also scanned.
Please have a look at your download directory/directories and try to disable it/them.

You can do that this way:
Please run Spybot - Search & Destroy and switch to the Advanced mode via the menu item Mode.
Now select 'Settings' - 'Directories' from the navigation bar on the left.
Then highlight your directory/directories by clicking on it/them.
Then make a rightclick on it/them and choose 'Remove the selected directory from the list'.
This should help to get the scan to work.

3. If this does not help try a scan in safe mode (http://www.computerhope.com/issues/chsafe.htm).

Best regards
Team Spybot

2010-11-26, 17:07
A small clarification - I am asking IF the scan runs excessively long. I have no trouble actually running the scan.
I downloaded Oldtimer - it ran for 8 hours. Today I scanned as usual. It took 2 hours and 10 minutes . I went in to Settings - Directory/directories are not selected(never have been, are already removed from list)and it already was running in Advanced mode(always has been). I really do not see the need to run it in safe mode as it runs, I have NO trouble running the scan - it just runs for a very long time. Any other suggestions?
Thanks for any help and have a good weekend.

2010-11-29, 09:52

So the scanning time is one hour less now?
Do you have a very old system?
Which operating system and how much disk space do you have?

Best regards
Team Spybot