View Full Version : Registry errors since removing Win32.AutoRun.tmp

2010-12-01, 15:44
Running a Spybot scan I discovered win32.autorun.tmp infection. Fixed it through spybot, but then running a search I was directed to the spybot manual removal instructions which said to remove "Taskman" from the registry. Which I did, looking back that was a mistake.

It was located at Hkey_Local_Machine/Software/Microsoft/WindowsNt/Current Version/Winlogon.

Since removal my computer starts up to welcome screen but the desktop will not load. It starts up to background color screen with the explorer window open. There is no taskbar on the bottom of the screen, no desktop icons, I can't even access windows by using the windows key on my keyboard.

I can access task manager by using CTRL+ALT+Delete.

I have tried manually adding Taskman back to the registry, but right now I am strictly guessing.

I have also tried starting using Last Known Good Configuration and using System Restore. No help there.

2010-12-01, 21:42
When you access task manager by using CTRL+ALT+Delete,do you see explorer.exe listed there?

2010-12-01, 23:31
Yes, explorer.exe is there, but clicking on it does not bring up the entire desktop. It only opens a window in explorer and from there I navigate to activate programs and access web.

2010-12-02, 00:57
You only removed the Taskman value in the registry,shown on the screen to the right,after you clicked on Winlogon?You didn't remove anything else located there?

2010-12-02, 01:03
Yes, I have since tried to replace the key but nothing has worked

2010-12-02, 01:50
Thanks for your help. On a whim I decided to run another system restore. Used the same restore point as before, only this time it rolled back to previous settings.

The first system restore said it was successful but my problem persisted. Tried it again, got the same successful prompt, only this time it worked.

Go figure.

Appreciate your help

2010-12-02, 04:54
Glad the system restore worked. :)