View Full Version : TeaTimer to show the name of processes

2010-12-11, 18:16
For right now I have TeaTimer set to show a balloon tip when a new process is being scanned. But all it tells me is that a new process is being scanned, nothing else.
I know there is nothing I can do to make it show the name of the process but it would nice if it would. I'm curious that way.

For example I'm curious why when I add a new torrent file to uTorrent, even though uTorrent hasn't doing anything with it other than add the file to it's list, that TeaTimer is popping up the balloon saying that's scanning a new process. uTorrent was already running so what new process could there be? Maybe for some reason my anti-virus is scanning it as well or something in Windows, but that's what I would like to know.

I also wouldn't mind a log of what process was started at what date&time. But that might be asking a bit much for what it was meant to do.