View Full Version : FilAlyzer

John Anthony
2010-12-15, 10:26
I've never posted anything before so I guess it is time. In the last year or so spyware has taught me more about computers than any other resource. I think at some point it became personal. It is trying to "update" my computer as I type. The only reason for posting here is that the tools available through SpyBot are the only ammunition I have had and I have tried them all. Not sure about mentioning other companies here but I have a story about a lot of them. Small tools was a big help yesterday Patrick. Thank you.
I guess the other reason is that FilAlyzer has fought a lot of battles with me and tonight was the first time it was wounded. Kind of upsetting. I have had to reinstall it before after we lost the battle and XP crashed but it always went out strong. This time there was a lot of info I had not saved and could not boot or repair so I dual booted XP and things were not so pretty in the aftermath of C drive but it did leave me a bug report that I would like to submit and don't know how. We did kick some butt this time though, thought we had it. Oh well. The spyware can not be detected by any virus or malware program because it comes in remotely and takes over. Doesn't really do much damage except take away all permissions...I guess that is pretty extreme damage. There are locks on the icons for local security. I will tell, you I have thrown everything I have at this...can not shake it. I am 48 and have only been in direct contact with computers for 2 years, most of that time fighting some kind of computer friggin "Disease". I am getting good but I could use some help. I could take this somewhere which first of all is not going to happen and second...I would take it and they would say it was fixed and on the way home I would know when I plugged it in...Wham!... Sorry, I have years worth of computer story's I don't tell anyone. I'll shut up. Maybe this is too long I don't know. I just need to know where to send a bug report if I can and any feedback on dealing with white collar malware. It "looks" like it is doing everything legal. Smart Meff. I do have a respect for it I am sad to say. Been fighting a long time. I have some incredible hard copy and files from this. Had to make sure I was still somewhat sane. It is extreme spyware. Guys if this is too long don't post it. I can shorten it up tomorrow.
It's like 2:15 AM

John Anthony

2010-12-15, 16:20
Hello John Anthony :welcome:

If you would like someone to take a look at the system you can start a topic in the Malware Removal Forum (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22) and a volunteer analyst will advise when available. :)

First see that forum's FAQ which also includes instructions on posting a preliminary DDS log: "BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance) (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

If DDS won't run please start a new topic anyway and provide a link back to this topic.

Best regards.