View Full Version : Need User Feedback: Bug Adobe Reader X - Vista

2011-01-08, 20:51

there consists a problem between Spybot and the new Adobe Reader X on Vista systems, not on XP systems (Windows 7 not tested). First of all if the system is immunized, you cannot access Edit -> Protection -> Security Settings, because the Reader freezes (no response on the title bar).

Second with specific documents e.g. "secured" Pdfs the same happens: the reader freezes.

Example: Try the general business conditions here http://www.hypovereinsbank.de/portal?view=/privatkunden/204389.jsp

What is remarkable: this Pdf forces the reader to be opened in the reader itself and not in the browser (although this is in set in the preferences).

If the immunization is undone, everything is o.k..

Maybe there is a workaround already posted or this is a only a problem on this specific system, then I´m very sorry. But I´ve tried everything from new installing to using other browsers etc.

2011-01-09, 15:43
The same problem exists also on another Vista system, but takes "only" about 1-2 minutes to open the document.

Depending on the system`s performance it takes from 1-2 up to several minutes until the document is opened.

2011-01-10, 10:02

thank you for reporting this issue, however I cannot confirm this issue.
Can you give me details on which version of Spybot S&D and update you are using? Also which browser are you using when you try to open the pdf document?