You can still view the Resident.log you archived by opening Spybot,going to Tools,then View Report.Over in the window to the right,click View Previous Report.The log you archived should be there with the date you archived it in it,i.e.:Resident.yyMM.hhmm.txt
(Resident.110220-1531.log,for example.)
If you rightclick the Resident.yyMM.hhmm.txt file and select Rename,then remove the year,month hour minute part of it (yyMM.hhmm),then the Resident.log should show in the Tools->Resident window once again.
For an example:
Remove the .110220-1531 part,so it is renamed to this:
Then click outside the box around the name with your mouse,so the box around it is gone.hth.