View Full Version : Trojan Help

2011-02-21, 00:37

I got a Trojan back in December, and I don't think it has been removed from my PC yet. I currently have SB, MSE and Malwarebytes installed on my system. When I do a scan, the reports say there is no threats found. However, my PC, has been acting very weird since then. My Internet connection keeps on dropping, I'm unable to download files, and it seems that it has its own mind.
Last night, I got a report from SB, however, when trying to fix problems or even to complete a scan, it freezes that even the task manager doesn't even respond. Thus , I have to reboot and re-scan, to the same results. I have tried safe mode, and every way possible but doesn't work.
When I checked for my last scan, it's not there. Either are the scans that I have done this month. However, if I go under the recovery, section, it's all there.
Can you help me? This is my first time on here, although I have been using SB for years..

Thanks for your help.:confused:

2011-02-21, 15:19
Hello mel45,

Please see this forum's sticky which also includes instructions on posting preliminary DDS logs: "BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance) (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

Then start a new topic and a volunteer analyst will advise you when available. :)

If DDS won't run for you to produce a log please start a new topic anyway and explain the situation.

Best regards.